Mbye’s Local Cereals and Vegetables is a small scale business processing agro foods both agricultural and horticultural through simple local tool.

Ngoneh Mbye the proprietress was inspired by her participation in the first ever National Youth Exhibition organized by GYCC at westfield, KM in early 2017. By then she didn’t have her own business, but after a week-long networking, sales and marketing event, she saw the need to venture into her own business, which she is now running successfully.

Mbye’s Local Cereals and Vegetables sells locally processed agricultural products such as “chakri”, baobab powder, coos powder, cassava powder, maize powder, “kabaa” jam, etc. These products are beautifully packaged and sealed with a warranty as long as due      process is followed. The community appreciates them a lot as it eases their burden on processing these item when they need them. Ngoneh is a registered member of the GAMBIA YOUTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.  7870170/3820330/3685556